Everyday Sales is for Everyday People

This page isn’t About Us, it’s about Us. Everyday People.
We are people who want practical business tips, not over-styled frosted tips.
We aren’t fooled by “gurus,” and we hate fluff.
We see through empty sales hype, but instead of ignoring it, we analyze it.
We seek to grow ourselves and our business acumen, every day.
Everyday Sales began as a creative side project when I was building an expense consulting firm. The initial videos I created were simply an itch I felt compelled to scratch.
My previous ventures have provided me the financial freedom to pivot my efforts; to follow my passion for sales, education, and entertainment.
Everyday Sales is designed to be an approachable resource for learning about professional development, business building, and sales theory.
Our content strategy will be wildly experimental, which is going to make this experience fun and exciting (at least for me).
Are you ready?
The painting in the header was composed by the surrealist Belgian artist and advertising legend, René Magritte. Blending art and psychology, René challenged our perceptions of the ordinary. He forced us to explore the deeper meaning behind our everyday encounters.
“Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see.”
-René Magritte
His work is a central inspiration behind our method of education. We’re here to pull apart, examine, and explore the structure of modern business. There is wisdom throughout our everyday lives. We are here to help you discover it.