“Modality Effect”
What is the Modality Effect?
The end of a presentation or sequence are easiest to recall, followed by the items at the beginning. Everything in the middle is toughest to recall.

Business Relevance
Calls to action and contact information is typically weaved into the end of a presentation for a reason. There is a popular content writing format called “Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Then tell them what you told them. This format will help you keep a consistent message during your presentation and be well remembered afterward.
If you have a long presentation that covers multiple topics or nuances, developing a simplified format is not easy.
Everyday Application
Add a recap that summarizes your various talking points in one sentence. Pepper in major takeaways and mention them often and throughout your presentation.
“So now you can see how working with me will save you time, save you money and save you headaches. I wanted to make sure that I touched everything you’re looking for in a vendor so the decision is a no-brainer. Is there anything else I could possibly do to make this work out better for you?”