What is Ad Iram?
Dismissing someone’s argument because it is presented with strong emotion.
Business Application
Emotional subjects are often easily disrupted through emotional provocation so this tactic is unfortunately used often. By prodding at emotions, a counterargument can be made to seem more sound. If you keep calm and continue to address the facts, the provocation can backfire and your opponent be made to seem petty.
Position -“I haven’t had a raise in five years but every year you manage to keep piling on more work for me! I deserve this raise!”
Fallacy -I can’t talk to you while you’re like this. Take a break and come back to me when you’re ready to speak to me with civility.
Why This is a Fallacy
Controversial subjects are often tied to strong emotions. Just because someone has a strong emotional investment in a subject, their argument is not made any less valid.