What is No True Scotsman?
When a general statement is made about a group but contradicted by a counterexample, the examples are dismissed as not actually being part of the original referenced group.
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This fallacy often speaks to the ego of the claimant. A direct contradiction could be seen as a personal attack so rebuttals must be made with caution. A strong response to this fallacy requires you to ask them to explain, in great detail, what makes a true X. Or, to provide a few examples of a true X.
Argument -“Talented chefs don’t need online marketing to get customers coming back to their restaurant. The food speaks for itself.”
Counter -Great food certainly helps define a successful restaurant but even top tier restaurateurs use loyalty programs or have an online presence.
Fallacy -“Well no true chef would ever resort to such methods.”
Why This is a Fallacy
There are loads of examples of top rated chefs using marketing techniques to increase their popularity. By redefining the argument as “no true chefs” use marketing, he suggests that every successful, top rated chef who uses marketing is not actually a “real” chef.