“Fading Affect Bias”
What is Fading Affect Bias?
The tendency for unpleasant memories fade faster than positive memories over time.

Business Relevance
This bias showcases just how easy it can be to keep your clients happy once you’ve developed the relationship. If you maintain communication and demonstrate that you are working hard to keep them happy, you can easily reinforce a positive image of your relationship and keep competitors at bay.
When clients are dissatisfied or having consistent issues, it is difficult to see the long term benefit of keeping them happy. Most clients want to know that they are important to their vendor and that their rep is doing everything they can to help alleviate any issues.
Everyday Application
The simplest and easiest way to maintain a strong relationship with clients is to pick up your phone when they call or call back immediately if you missed them. Once you are able to “take ownership” of the issue, the client will have lowered anxiety levels (even if they don’t appear to) because you are sharing in their responsibility.