Forer Effect or Barnum Effect
The tendency to believe that vague general descriptions are accurate depictions of one’s personality.
Everyday Sales is an online resource for sales and business education. We expose the psychological exploits used in sales and marketing to empower our clients to become better professionals. Our feature content includes Sales in Cinema, Cognitive Biases in Business, Logical Fallacies in Business, and Quotes Deconstructed.
The tendency to believe that vague general descriptions are accurate depictions of one’s personality.
Arriving at different conclusions from the same evidence because of the way the evidence is presented.
Funny things are remembered better than normal things.
When learning something new, we tend to start seeing it constantly in our everyday lives.
The tendency for one trait to color the way a person’s other, unrelated traits are viewed.
When people remember events as being more predictable than they really were.
The tendency to reduce the perceived value of a reward the longer you have to wait for it.
The tendency for people to assume they can affect outcomes that are actually beyond their control.
Creating a relationship between two concepts when no such relationship actually exists.
The tendency to seek more information even after there is no more useful impact on the decision.